Summaries of Fr. Edward Smith’s Adult Education Classes – “Orthodoxy & Heresy: Why It Matters What We Believe” are available online

Summaries of Fr. Edward Smith’s classes are available below. Print, read and share!

As Catholics, we know that our faith is built on theological doctrines.  Although these doctrines define every aspect of our faith, most Catholics are completely ignorant of what they are and why they matter.  We recite theological statements such as the Creed at Mass every Sunday, and yet we have no idea what those words mean or why they are crucially important.

In this class Father Edward Smith will delve into some of the most important teachings of the Church, while addressing those who have challenged those teachings throughout history.  We will discuss why it is important to understand what we believe as Catholics, and how easy it can be to embrace false beliefs or heresies, if we don’t know the truths of our faith.